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Natural History Cabinet
IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto

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Turtles & Tortoises. Listening & gap-fill activity

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   eggs      freshwater      hundreds      leatherback      omnivorous      pets      ribs      tortoises   

Turtles and are reptiles that belong to the Chelonia group.

The body is enclosed in a shell in which thoracic vertebrae and are fused. They have no teeth, but their jaws have horny sheaths.

They eat assorted things but most of them are .

They are oviparous and they live in , saltwater or on land. They are the longest living animals.
Sea turtles lay their on the beach,in fact, the very beach where they were born, sometimes they must travel or even thousands of kilometres to do it.

Did you know that the size of turtles can vary from 8 cm to 1.8 m? an example of this is the turtle which can reach up to 1.8 m.
Sea turtles are considered mythological animals and have been crossing the oceans, for over 200 million years. They are currently threatened by human presence.

You can find five species of sea turtles in the Canary Islands, including the pig-nosed turtle and the green turtle; not counting the species introduced as .

Created: 22-February-2011
Last update: 13-April-2021
© IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto
Webmaster: J. Munilla Moneo