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IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto

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Mammals: Marsupials. Listening & Gap-fill activity

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   gestation      kangaroo      legs      mammals      opossums      pouch      pregnancy      roots      tails      uterus      viviparous      weaning   

This group of mammals is but with a very peculiar reproduction and litter. Most females have a called a marsupial, where they carry their litters from birth to . Litters are born slightly undeveloped after a short period, so they finish their maturation inside the pouch. Since most of the embryo develops outside the , the lactation period in the marsupial is highly important.

Did you know that some opossums' lasts less than 13 days? They have the shortest gestation period out of all the .

Their are extremely useful, the opossum's tail is prehensile and helps it climb trees, whereas the kangaroo's tail helps it stay straight, since it lays on their back and tail.

If the steps up, it starts jumping thanks to the development of their back legs. If it's walking at a normal pace, it uses their four legs and its tail helps it keep its balance and momentum.

Kangaroos are herbivorous and feed on fruits, , small animals, eggs and carrion.

Geographical distribution: Australia (kangaroos) and South America (opossums).

Created: 31-January-2012
Last update: 13-April-2021
© IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto
Webmaster: J. Munilla Moneo