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Natural History Cabinet
IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto

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Toothless or edentate mammals. Listening & Gap-fill activity

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   anteaters      ants      Armadillos      hedgehogs      nails      shell      Sloths      snout      tongue      trees   


Armadillos, and sloths. The name of this group is due to their lack of teeth, while some have only molars others are totally absent , as is the case with anteaters. They have very powerful and curvy in order to dig or climb up to the branches of .

spend almost their whole lives up in the trees, living on leaves, fruits and sprouts. They come down only once or twice a week with their legendary slow movement.

Did you know they can turn their heads up to 270 degrees?

Anteaters show a long toothless and a long and sticky , both perfectly adjusted to a diet based on and other insects. Their front claws are used to excavate ant hills and termite's nests.

are marked for having a bone articulated that covers their whole body. They shrink like in order to protect themselves, thus becoming invulnerable thanks to their hard carapace. They find their prey by digging into the ground with their strong claws.

Geographical distribution: South America.

Created: 31-January-2012
Last update: 13-April-2021
© IES Canarias Cabrera Pinto
Webmaster: J. Munilla Moneo